Welcome To My World

Thanks so much for stopping by! Believe it or not, I have an art degree and actually use it! Looking back, it’s hard to believe that my parents, friends, family, counselors, trusted advisors, and even complete strangers all said it would be a waste of my time and my parent’s money. Well, I guess I showed them because I earned a BFA from Colorado State University way back in 1990. Since then, I’ve made a career out of creativity, and in 2015, I inadvertently started traveling down the road that brought me here. I hope you will enjoy my art!

My Process

My art is created from nature using technology and a completely digital process. The goal is to create a piece that exhibits unnatural components without changing the natural base canvas.  to get the results I want without manipulating the original canvas (nature). My work is abstract

My Products

All of my pieces are produced in a very limited quantity.